Concept Illustrations - Freelance Illustrator Portfolio
As a professional freelance illustrator, I have had the opportunity to illustrate concept art for a number of clients and projects throughout the years. The concept art illustrations on this page are largely created for custom training programs. Malane Newman was employed for over 1o years designing the UI for computer-based and web-based training programs and illustrating the concept art for all of those large training programs.
However conceptual art is not just for training purposes. There have been many occasions where clients want the benefits of their products explained in a conceptual illustration that they can show their potential customers. There is a famous saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” and a concept illustration is a prime example of just that!
Concept art illustration requires the ability to translate a concept into an illustration that expresses the idea in visual terms or explains a concept using analogous objects or themes. Malane Newman has decades of experience illustrating concept art. In this freelance illustrator portfolio, you will find a few different freelance illustration examples of concept art created for different clients or training programs of the past.