The Old Uncle Moishy Character The phone rang one day and I…

My Work with The Swan Princess Licensed Characters
Last year I met the owners of Swan Princess Partners, the company who owns and creates the series of animated feature films, The Swan Princess.
They talked about their 7th film due to come out and how some artists were having a little difficulty in drawing the characters exactly as they appeared in the first animated feature film simply entitled “The Swan Princess”. I had to agree, that although what they showed me did resemble the original characters, some parts of their facial features were different when comparing them side by side.
The owners decided to give me a try so they hired me to create an illustration of Princess Odette and Prince Derek as they first appeared in the original animated feature to be used as the model for future films…but with one change, they wanted the characters to have a regal smile so they could use them in their other marketing efforts.
Now, if you ever saw the original film, you know that both characters were all encompassed in drama and never smiled. When they were happy, they were kissing. I just completed the drawings and happy to say, the owners liked the results. I hope you do too!